Wednesday 14 March 2012

St. Patrick's Day in Dublin

Completely unintentionally we ended up in Dublin over St. Patrick's Day.  

 These keg pictures were taken the day before in front of the Famous Temple Bar.

The next day things were just as crazy as you would probably imagine...

And yes, many, many of these people seemed to be Americans. Or Canadians I suppose. ;)

Since we're not big drinkers, and didn't intend to fulfill the cliche, we went to the Guinness factory on St. Patrick's day. The factory has a very involved exhibit that you walk through, that explains the brewing process. Additionally it has a large volume of old advertising and bottles. It's a neat museum and definitely worth a trip. A pint each were included in the cost of our tickets.

 View from the factory's top floor panoramic bar.

1 comment:

  1. Looks fantastic and I love Guinness beer:) Have a great day! xo
