Friday 20 April 2012

Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle, otherwise often known as the "Disney Castle."

We walked up to the castle

The view from the bridge. Of course there was scaffolding. Why wouldn't there be?

View from Neuschwanstein Castle

Courtyard of the castle

Crazy King Ludwig. He was responsible for the building of Neuschwanstein Castle. It actually has never been finished, after he committed suicide they decided that it would be too expensive to continue on with his slight insanity.

Thursday 19 April 2012


Munich was one of our first really great weather cities. Our first day we ended up laying in the grass of one of the main parks.

Along with quite a few other people.

Beer garden.

Of course we visited Oktoberfest. ;)

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Easter Monday in Luxembourg

Train ride en route from Frankfurt to Luxembourg

The gorgeous Luxembourg train station

There was an Easter market going on. Which means waffles.
The scenery was gorgeous. Pictures really don't do it justice at all.

Tuesday 17 April 2012


Trier was lovely, we had a map and did a bit of a self guided walking tour. This is the Porta Nigra, a Roman city gate. Darn my hat/head for getting in the way of the picture!

Even more sculpture! This was another lovely one, so detailed.

A Roman building

Roman Amphitheatre

Trier Cathedral

There were a few of these blue reindeer around with 2007 marked on them. Funny thing is we were traveling in 2010.

Trier was a bit....odd......

Made us a bit odd as well! Or maybe that was the super late train and almost not getting back to Frankfurt that night.

Monday 16 April 2012


The Frankfurt Euro Tower

Frankfurt main square

Another lovely questionable sculpture. One of my favorites. A tie!

Not sure what these lovely trees are, but I became rather fond of them.

The view from Frankfurt Main Tower

We went from blue skies to wind and pouring rain for a while there.

Then a rainbow.

Windmills. :)

The coolest mall I've ever seen.

The hole in the mall from the inside.